Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Teaching Practicum

This course (BMB:3800) will train qualified junior or senior undergraduates majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or a related field to contribute to undergraduate courses.  Roles of teaching interns vary, dependent on the course, but interns may hold review sessions, offer regular office hours, draft questions for homework or exams, assist in proctoring exams, assist students in laboratory setting. and help with course implementation.  Guidance will come from the faculty director and instructors in each course.

Students wishing to enroll in this course must have completed a course covering the same (or equivalent) material with a grade of B or better, and must arrange for a short interview with the appropriate Course Director prior to registering.

Prior permission from the instructor/course director to enroll in this course is required.  Once permission from the course director/instructor is granted, student must completed the Biochemistry Teaching Practicum Form.

This course qualifies for experiential learning in the Honors Program.


  1. Students may not simultaneously be paid and receive academic credit for service as a teaching assistant.
  2. The student should work approximately three (3) hours per week for each credit hour earned and will be graded on a standard letter grade (A-to-F) basis.


  1. Meet with the Course Director for the class you will be assisting. That individual will be your instructor in BMB:3800.  You will negotiate the responsibilities and grading criteria of your teaching practicum. Do not register before your instructor agrees to the terms.
  2. Fill out the Teaching Practicum Registration Form, sign it, and ask your instructor to sign it.
  3. Submit the form to the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Office (4-403 Bowen Science Building) by 4 PM on the Friday before the semester you will be enrolled in the Teaching Practicum. You may also send the completed form as an email attachment to Please consider your submission accepted unless we contact you.  We will send you and your instructor a scan of the signed form.
  4. Register for BMB:3800 by selecting your faculty supervisor's name from the drop-down list in MyUI.