Graduate Alumni 2020-present

NamEYearMentorCurrent PositionThesis Title
Julio Sanchez2020MusselmanPostdoctoral Researcher, Structural Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital"Characterization of the DNA Binding Activity of the BRG1 AT-hook-bromodomain"
Tingting Duan2020GeyerPostdoctoral Researcher, Immunology, University of Pittsburgh"The nuclear lamina is required for stem cell mitosis and survival"
Sean Tompkins2020TaylorResidency, Internal Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago"The role of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma"
Nitija Tiwari2020FuentesResearch Scientist-Input Traits Discovery, Corteva Argiscience"Regulatory mechanisms of the Staphylococcus aureus SrrAB two-component system"
Brittany Ripley2020WashingtonField Application Scientist II, Bio-Rad"RAD6-18 interactions with translesion synthesis polymerases, Pol H and Rev1"
Devin Reusch2020 MSWashingtonProtein Biochemistry, Protein and Crystallography Facility, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine"Time lapsed X-ray crystallography of DNA
polymerase ι"
Ryan Mahling2020SheaPostdoctoral Researcher, Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University "Recognition of NaV1.2 by Calmodulin and Fibroblast Growth Factor Homologous Factors"
William Hacker2020ElcockClinical Instructor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine"Computational modeling of the Escherichia coli chromosome and integrated simulations of bacterial transcription and translation"
Colleen Caldwell2021M. SpiesPostdoctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam"RPA DNA-binding domain dynamics: A target for homologous recombination regulation"
Alicia Salvi2021DeMaliSenior Scientist, Zeotis Inc"Mechanisms of E-cadherin force transmission"
Diamond Jelani2021 MSFuentesTBD"Chemical regulation of two-component systems: a study of the regulation of Staphylococcus aureus two-component systems, SrrAB and ArlRS, through the effects of small molecules"
Robert McDonnell2021ElcockPostdoctoral Researcher, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine"Modeling RNA: From Small Molecules to Bacterial Polysomes"
Colten Lankford2021BakerPostdoctoral Researcher, Neuroscience, The Scripps Biomedical Research Institute"Function and regulation of the photoreceptor hyperpolarization-gated channel HCN1"
Kelli (Sylvers) Davie2021DaviesPrincipal Chemist, Ecolab"The Regulation of Endothelial Lipase and Lipoprotein Lipase by ANGPTL3 and ANGPTL8"
Christopher Ball2022PriceSenior Scientist, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseae, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research"The Impact of Gdown1, IE2, and Human Cytomegalovirus Infection on Transcription"
Fletcher Bain2022M. SpiesScientist I, Nautilus Biotechnology"Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1: DNA complexes are dependent on DNA sequence and secondary structure"
Zachary Wehrspan2022ElcockHigh Performance Computing Engineer, Rescale"Whole cell models of the Escherichia coli peptidoglycan and the identification of iron-sulfur cluster and zinc binding sites in predicted 3D protein structures"
Venkata Sanaboyana2022 PhDElcockPostdoctoral Scientist, Corteva Agriscience 
Damien Castor (K. Hobbs)2023A. SpiesPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Iowa"Caspase-7 Allostery and Drug Targeting"
Emily Lavering2023WeeksAssistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Michigan-Flint"Examining membraneless compartmentalization in the nucleolus"
Justin Ling2023WashingtonPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Kansas Medical Center"Structures and non-canonical functions of E3 ubiquitin ligases in DNA damage bypass"
Nicholas Wells2024DeMali "Linking Mechanics and Metabolism in Endothelial Cells and in vivo"
Andrew Kalenkiewicz2024ElcockMedical Scientist Training Program"Predicting E. Coli Outer Membrane Protein Behavior From Long-Timescale, Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
Rebecca Splitt2024 MSDeMaliResearch Staff, DeMali lab"The Effects of Different Amplitudes of Force on AMPK Signaling"

Graduate Alumni 2010-2019

Name YearMentorCurrent Positionthesis title
Michael Feldkamp2010SheaSenior Scientist, Janssen BioTherapeutics 
Philip Louis Butler2010MallampalliDeceased 
Aaron Mason2010WoldLead Scientist, Avitide LLC 
Stanley Sedore2010PriceClinical Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine 
Eric Brown2010RamaswamyAssociate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Vanderbilt University 
Bret Freudenthal2010WashingtonProfessor, of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center 
Tyson Shepherd2011FuentesCo-Founder, Firelight Biosciences 
Xiao Peng2011DeMaliSenior Staff RA Scientist, Thermo Fisher Scientific  
Shun Zhu2011ElcockAssociate Professor of Cellular and Genetic Medicine, Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences 
Lawrence Gray2012KhademiScientific Applications Specialist, Integrated DNA Technologies 
John Pryor2012WashingtonSenior Scientist, Analytical Development, CSL 
Karina Kruth2013RubensteinAssistant Research Scientist, Institute for Vision Research, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine 
Aaron Ver Heul2013Ramaswamy/PiperAssistant Professor of Medicine-Allergy & Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine 
Lacy Barton2014GeyerAssistant Professor of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio 
Xu Liu2014FuentesAssistant Profesosr of Biochemistry, Emory University 
Casey Andrews2014 PhDElcockLecturer, Texas A & M University, San Antonio"Coarse grained potential functions for proteins derived from all-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations"
Yuan Pan2015BakerAssistant Professor of Symptom Research, MD Anderson Cancer Center 
Ran Chen2015WoldScientist II, PineTree Therapeutics, Inc 
Zhen Xu2016FuentesCryoEM Specialist, Protein and Crystallograpy Facility, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine 
Elizabeth Boehm2016WashingtonPatent Agent in Biotechnology, Wolf Greenfield Intellectual Property Law 
Sarah Hengel2017Maria SpiesAssistant Professor of Biology, Tufts University 
Xun (Allison) Chi2017DaviesData Scientist, Bon Secours Mercy Health 
John Brogie2017PriceDeputy Chief, Core Laboratory Brooke Army Medical Center 
Jennifer Bays2017DeMaliPostdoctoral Research Associate, Boston University Center for Multiscale and Translational Mechanobiology 
Shuxiang Li2017ElcockPostdoctoral Research Associate, Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Queen's University 
Liyang Zhang2017PufallAssociate Director, Moonwalk Biosciences 
Mark Miller2018ElcockScience Educator, Iowa Mennonite School 
Kyle Powers2018WashingtonSenior Research Scientist, Advanced Diffraction Technologies, Bruker AXS 
Emily (Malcolm) Cushing2018DaviesBiotherapeutics Specialist, Eurofins Discovery 
Venkata Sanaboyana2018 MSElcockPostdoctoral Scientist, Coreva Agriscience"Progress towards molecular simulations of plasmid segregation system in E. coli"
Arpit Sharma2018TaylorPosdoctoral Researcher, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 
Quinn Li2018A. SpiesBusiness Development Manager, Biocytogen Boston Corps 
Wesley Lay2018ElcockData Scientist and Lead, Sharecare 
Tyler Weaver2019MusselmanPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Kansas Medical Center  
Jacob Litman2019SchniedersPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas-Austin 
Young Joo Sun 2019FuentesInstructor, Byers Eye Institute, Stanford 
Hannah (Miller) Campbell2019DeMaliNGA Applications Scientist, Integrated DNA Technologies  
Lalita Oonthonpan2019TaylorAssociate Director, Generation Bio 


Graduate Alumni 2000-2009

NameYearMentorCurrent Positionthesis title
Natalie Catlett2000WeismanKnowledge Management Expert, QuartzBio 
Xiangwen Dong2000DeschenesDirector, Clinical Scientist, The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson 
James Dean2000DeschenesSenior Medical Director, Pharmacyclics, LLC. 
Vicci Korman2000TobacmanBiochemist, Head of Formulations, Rover Med Bioscience, LLC. 
Vera (Ogniewski) Desmarais2000WeeksCo-Director of Light Microscopy and Image Analysis, Research Assistant Professor, Anatomy & Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine 
Kuo-Kuang Wen2000RubensteinCore Facility Research Specialist, High Throughput Screening, University of Iowa 
Ye Lao2000WoldVice President of Worldwide Research, Kemin Industries 
Andre Walther2000WoldAssociate Professor of Biological Sciences, Cedar Crest College 
Addison Ault2001DeschenesRetired. Last position: Patent Examiner, United States Patent and Trademark Office 
Stephen Edgcomb2001MurphyPrinciple Scientist, BPS Bioscience Inc. 
Olav Jaren2001SheaNeurologist, Overlake Medical Center and Clinics 
Mingyi Liu2001PriceSenior Research Investigator II, Bristol-Myers Squibb 
Qin Zou2001MurphyAssociate Research Fellow and Group Leader, Analytical Research and Development, Pfizer, Inc. 
Xiaoyi Yao2001RubensteinAssociate, Martindale Law Firm 
Cammon Arrington 2001RobertsonPhysician, Pediatric Cardiology, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford 
James Horn 2002MurphyAssociate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University 
Runa Musib2002RubensteinTeam Lead, Office of Manufacturing Quality, Food and Drug Administration 
Karen S. Myung2002DonelsonMedical Director of Pediatric Orthpaedic Surgery, Dignity Health 
Jon Rubach2002PlappSenior Scientist, Kemin Industries 
Fusheng Tang2002WeismanAssociate Professor of Applied Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 
TingTing Yao 2002CohenProfessor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Colorado State University 
Wendy VanScyoc2003SheaSenior Manager, Field Applications Support, Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC 
Travis Waldron2004MurphyOperations Manager, IDEXX Laboratories 
Greta Schrift2004MurphyPostdoctoral Research Associate, Dartmouth Medical School 
Rhonda Newman2005SheaDirector of Cell Biology Research and Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific 
Yutian Peng2005WeismanSenior Scientific Researcher, Genentech 
Zeynep Akyol Ataman2006 Associate Professor of Biology, Mt. San Jacinto College 
Qintong Li 2006PriceProfessor, West China Women's and Children's Hospital,  Sichuan University 
Ling Song2006CohenDirector of Translational Science, BeiGene 
Andrew Scott Thomas2006ElcockAssociate Professor, Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Morningside University 
Anne (Dickson) Sheehan2007WoldSenior Scientist, Immunoassay Development, Abcam 
Jared Helm2007DonelsonScientist II, BioFire Defense 
William Rockey2007ElcockClinical Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Iowa* "Computational prediction of the targets of protein kinase inhibitors"
Sean McGuffee2007ElcockSenior Application Software Engineer, Marmon Foodservice Technologies* "On the development and performance of multiple-macromolecule Brownian dynamics simulations"
Nathan P. Coussens 2007RamaswamySenior Research Scientist in Biology, Division of Pre-Clinical Innovation, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health 
Yanling Zhang2008WeismanAssociate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Soochow University 
Karissa Carlson2008WashingtonProfessor and Chair of Chemistry, Northwestern College 
Daniel J. Ferraro2008RamaswamyRadiation Oncologist, Springfield Clinic 
Bryan G. Allen 2008WeeksProfessor, and Chair of Radiation Oncology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine 
Beibei (Bill) Chen2008MallampalliProfessor of Medicine-Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 
Tamara Frembgen-Kesner2008ElcockResearch Professional 
Ema Stokasimov2009RubensteinResearch Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 
Keith Bryan2009RubensteinSenior Staff Scientist, Integrated DNA Technologies 
Susan Ellen O'Donnell2009SheaChemistry Teacher, Pasco Community Schools 

Graduate Alumni 1990-1999

NameYearMentorCurrent Position
David Engman1990DonelsonRetired. Last position: Professor, Department of Pathology and Microbiology-Immunology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Debra Martin1990Van NessChair, Professor of Biology, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Paul S. Eder1991WalderSenior Medical Diagnostics Analyst, Tunnell Consulting
Lixing W. Reneker1991SpectorAssociate Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine
John Dagle1991WeeksAssociate Director, Iowa Statewide Perinatal Care Program, Program Director Neonatal-Perinatal Medical Fellowship, Professor of Pediatrics-Neonatology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Yung-Chih (Judy) Wang1991RubensteinVice President, Corporate Development,
China, HUYA Bioscience International
Hong-Wei Sun1992PlappChief, Biodata Mining and Discovery Section, National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, National Institute of Health
Gloria Borgstahl 1992ArnoneProfessor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jeff Linnen1993WeeksVice President of Product Development at Grifols, San Diego, CA
Raj Gururajan1994WeeksSenior Licensing Officer, InnovationAccess, School of Medicine, US Davis Medical Center
Sigrid C. Roberts1994DonelsonProfessor and Associate Dean for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pacific University of Oregon
Daniel Kephart1994PriceVice President of Research & Development, LCG
Shiyong Li1995DonelsonProfessor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Susan Pedigo 1995SheaProfessor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Mississippi
Liskin Swint-Kruse 1995RobertsonProfessor and Director, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center
Brian Baker 1997MurphyRev. John A. Zahm Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
Gregory T. DeKoster 1997RobertsonSenior Scientist in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University School of Medicine
Debbie C. Thurmond1997GoodridgeProfessor and Chair, Department of Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Arthur Riggs Diabetes and Metabolism Research Institute, City of Hope
Eric Vincent1997WeeksSr. Global Product Manager at Promega Adjunct Faculty at University of Wisconsin, Madison and BioPharmaceutical Technology Center
Nei-Li Chan1998ArnoneProfessor at National Taiwan University
Victoria Robinson1998ArnoneAssociate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut
Kristin C. (Scott) Caruana  1998GeyerVice President of Research and Lead Writer, Grant Engine
Bridget Coughlin 1999DonelsonPresident & CEO, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois
Junmin Peng1999PriceProfessor of Structural Biology, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital
Yong-Xu Wang1999WeismanAssociate Professor, Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Wei Xu1999CohenProfessor of Oncology, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Cheryl Bailey      1999WeeksDean, School of Natural and Health Sciences, Mount Mary University

Graduate Alumni 1980-1989

NameYearMentorCurrent Position
Gary L. Firestone1980HeathProfessor of Cell & Developmental Biology, Dept. of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkley
John P. Groff1980BlakleyRetired from Abott Laboratories Diagnostic Division
Earl J. Gubbins1980DonelsonScientist, Abbott Laboratories Diagnostic Division, Dept. of Bio-Analytical Research
Linda J. Sealy1980ChalkleyAssociate Professor, Cancer Biology & Cell and Developmental Biology, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Vanderbilt University
Dale D. Vandre1980MontgomeryProfessor and Chair of Biomedical Sciences, Associate Dean of Research, Western Michigan University
Robert J. Gould 1981SpectorPresident & CEO, Fulcrum Therapeutics
Kathryn H. Brooks 1981FeldbushEmeritus Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetic, Michigan State University
Teresa Andreone 1982GrannerAssociate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Critical Care, Saint Louis University of School of Medicine
Tristram G. Parslow1983GrannerChief of Pathology Section, The Emory Clinic, Attending Pathologist, Emory Healthcare, Emory University School of Medicine
Steven Ellis 1983ConwayProfessor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Louisville
Sabin Colton  1984DowingScience Educator at Linsly School, Wheeling West Virginia
Warren Johnson 1984HeathAssociate Lecturer of Chemistry,  University of Wisconsin Green Bay
Laurence L. Louters1984ChalkleyProfessor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Calvin College
Richard Ingraham 1984SwensonScientific Review Officer of Translational and Clinical Sciences, Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences, NIH/CSR
Ruth Ann Henriksen
1985OwenAssociate Professor of Biochemistry, East Carolina University
Kent L. Redman1985RubensteinAssociate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine-Fort Wayne
Henry Jakubowski1986OwenProfessor of Chemistry, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University
Kathryn M. Verbanac 1986HeathProfessor of Surgery Oncology, East Carolina University
Clark Tedford 1986 President and CEO LumiThera, Inc
Larry M. Karnitz1988ChalkleyProfessor of Pharmacology, Mayo Clinic
Gerene Denning1989FultonAdjunct Professor, Emergency Medicine, University of Iowa


Graduate Alumni 1960-1979

NameYearMentorLast Known Position
Yuan-Chuan Lee1962MontgomeryResearch Professor & Academy Professor of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University
Robert L. Smalley1963DryerProfessor of Physical Sciences, Emporia State College
Carleton D. Nordschow1964BullProfessor and Chair of Clinical and Anatomical Pathology, Indiana University College of Medicine
Horace H. Loh1965BergProfessor Emeritus of Pharmacology, , University of Minnesota
Christian Schwabe1965KalnitskyProfessor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical College of South Carolina
Billy G. Hudson1966BarkerElliott V. Newman Professor of Medicine, Cell & Developmental Biology, Professor of Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, and Medicine, Vanderbilt University
Francis J. Castellino 1968BarkerKleiderer-Pezold Professor of Biochemistry and Director of WM Keck Center for Transgene Research, University of Notre Dame
Julio E. Celis 1968ConwayProfessor & Associated Scientific Director of the Danish Cancer Society Research Center
Lourdes J. Cruz1968BergProfessor Emeritus, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines
Nicholas W. Seeds  1968ConwayProfessor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
Gary R. Gray1969BarkerEmeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota
Thomas J. Lindell1969E. StellwagenEmeritus Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Arizona Health Sciences Center
Cheng-Chun Huang1970MontgomeryProfessor of Otolaryngology, Columbia University
Richard D. Mavis1970E. StellwagenProfessor of Radiation, Biology, and Biophysics, Rochester University
Jorge Babul1971E. StellwagenProfessor and Director of Chemistry, University of Chile
Sakol Panvim1971ChalkleyProfessor of Biochemistry, Mahidol University
David B. Henson1972SwensonPresident of Lincoln University
Vaughn E. Jackson1972ChalkleyProfessor of Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin
Richard McGee, Jr.1975SpectorAssociate Dean for Faculty Recruitment & Professional  Development, Professor in Medical Education, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Virginia L. Shepherd1975MontgomeryDirector Emerita, Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach
Nongnui Tanphaichitr1975ChalkleySenior Scientist of Chronic Disease and Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Biochemistry and Microbiology & Immunology, University of Ottawa
Ross C. Hardison1977ChalkleyT. Ming Chu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State University
Joseph H. Lechner1977KalnitskyProfessor of Chemistry, Chair, Chemistry/Physical Sciences Department, Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Charles B. Shoemaker 1979ChalkleyProfessor, Department of Infectious Disease and Global Health, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

Graduate Alumni 1940-1959

NameYearMentorLast Known Position
John E. Harris1940GibsonProfessor and Head of Ophthalmology, University of Minnesota Medical School
Raymond L. Borchers1942BergProfessor and Chair of Biochemistry and Nutrition, University of Nebraska
Ollie B. Houchin1942MattillDirector of Clinical Biochemistry, Mercy Hospital in Springfield Ohio
Robert M. Featherstone1943BergProfessor and Chair of Pharmacology, UCSF
Elizabeth L. Knapp1943StearnsChief of Chemistry Service, Children's Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center in Seattle
Arnold H. Schein1943BergProfessor of Biochemistry, San Jose State University
John P. Hummel1947MattillProfessor of Biochemistry, University of Iowa
Robert L. Dryer1949Routh & PaulProfessor of Biochemistry, University of Iowa
John F. Van Pilsum1949BergProfessor of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota
Willard B. Elliott1950KalnitskyProfessor of Biochemistry, State University of New York
John P. Kaltenbach1950KalnitskyProfessor of Pathology and Biochemistry, Northwestern University Medical School
Merle Mason1950BergProfessor of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan
David R. Celander1952BergProfessor and Chair of Biochemistry, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines University
George E. Inglett1952MattillLead Scientist, Functional Foods Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, US Department of Agriculture, ARS
Harold P. Cohen1953BergProfessor of Neurology, Mayo Hospital, University of Minnesota
Ralph Penniall1953RouthProfessor Emeritus of Biochemistry & Nutrition, University of North Carolina
William A. Phillips1953BergProfessor of Biochemistry, Kansas State University
James R. Gillette1954KalnitskyChief of Chemical Pharmacology, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, N.I.H.
Fountaine C. Brown1955BergProfessor of Biochemistry, University of Tennessee Medical School
John M. Franz1955LataProfessor and Associate Chair of Biochemistry, University of Missouri
Arthur F. Fishkin1957LataProfessor Emeritus of Biomedical Sciences, Creighton University School of Medicine
Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco1957BergProfessor of Chemistry, University of the Philippines
Bernard F. Gerulat1958BergDirector of Clinical Chemistry and Assistant Professor of Pathology, New Jersey College of Medicine
John V. Straumfjord1958HummelProfessor and Chair of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Janardan P. Aroskar1959BergProfessor of Biochemistry, Edinboro State College
Lewis B. Barnett1959BullEmeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Harold Resnick1959KalnitskyProfessor of Biochemistry, West Virginia University Medical Center

Graduate Alumni 1920-1939

NameYearMentorLast Known Position
William J. Husa1923RockwoodHead and Professor of Pharmacy, University of Florida
Dempsie B. Morrison1928MyersProfessor and Director of Clinical Chemistry, University of Tennessee
Edward Muntwyler1928MyersProfessor and Chair of Biochemistry, State University of New York
Joseph J. Pfiffner1928Myers & RockwoodProfessor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Harold S. Olcott1931MattillProfessor of Food and Science and Technology, University of California
Frederick C. Freytag1932Smith & MattillProfessor of Chemistry, University of Wyoming
Adrian C. Kuyper1933MattillProfessor of Physiological Chemistry, Wayne State University Medical School
Byron B. Clark1934GibsonDirector of the Pharmacology--Toxicology Program Branch, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Walter H. Seegers1934Smith & MattillProfessor and Chair of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Ralph M. Conrad1936BergProfessor, University of Denver
Walter K. Hall1936GibsonProfessor of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical College of Georgia
Samuel P. Miller1936KuyperProfessor of Chemistry, American University of Cairo
Charles W. Bauer1937Rockwood & BergProfessor, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Harold W. Schultz1937MattillProfessor and head of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University
Fred E. Deatherage, Jr.1938MattillProfessor of Biochemistry, Ohio State University