Mission Statement

To provide community among Biochemistry and Molecular Biology undergraduate majors at the University of Iowa and to offer resources and support to its members that will foster success as an undergraduate student, professional development, and career planning.

BMBC Officers

President: Zachary Bolton (zachary-bolton@uiowa.edu)
The President acts as the primary representative for BMBC, plans and implements activities of the club, and oversees all endeavors.

Vice President: TBD
The Vice President assists the president in planning and implementing activities of the club, and overseeing all ventures.

Outreach Officer: TBD
The Outreach Officer coordinates events that involve non-U of Iowa groups and the broader community.

Events Coordinator: TBD
The Events Coordinator coordinates all BMBC events.

Social Media Officer: TBD
The Social Media Officer creates fliers to be posted leading up to events and running the social media pages for the BMBC.

Meeting Times/Places

BMBC meetings are announced by email message from the club officers.

Undergraduate Coordinator

Judy Means

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club (BMBC)
The University of Iowa
51 Newton Road
4-403 Bowen Science Building
Iowa City, IA 52242

Faculty Sponsor

Lori Wallrath, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology