The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is offering the following grant opportunities to undergraduate students. Please click on the opportunity link to learn more and to apply:
Undergraduate Research Supply Grant - These funds are open for use for purchasing research supply materials as well as traveling to conduct research if the facilities or materials are not available at the U of Iowa. For example, if a student needed to travel to the Field Museum in Chicago to study relevant collections at that facility, these funds would be applicable. Some activities that do not qualify for this funding are travel to conferences or presentations, field schools, internship travel, graduate or professional school interviews, computers, etc.
Student Travel Awards - OUR offers one-time grants to UI undergraduate researchers who are traveling to a professional conference or professional development event. Students are able to request up to $500 per application, and will not be granted any more than $500 total across applications. OUR is unable to offer larger amounts or additional funds, and may only be able to offer a portion of the requested amount. OUR Travel Awards are disbursed via U-Bill.