Liping Yu, PhD

Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Contact Information

NMR Core Facility
285 Newton Road
Iowa City, IA 52242


We are interested in molecular structure, function, dynamics, interaction, and recognition as well as metabolic profiling and drug discovery and development programs. The molecular targets could be proteins, nucleic acids, oligosaccharides, drugs/metabolites, and/or their complexes. One of the primary experimental tools used in our laboratory is NMR spectroscopy. The Carver College of Medicine NMR Core Facility has state of the art instrumentation including Bruker Avance II 800 MHz, Varian Unity Inova 600 MHz, and Bruker Avance II 500 MHz spectrometers. The Bruker 800 MHz spectrometer is equipped with a sensitive TCI cryoprobe with pulse field gradients. The Bruker 800 and 500 MHz spectrometers are also equipped with automatic tuning and matching and automatic sample exchanger, thus allowing us to run samples continuously unattended day and night. This feature is particularly valuable when screening a lot of samples, such as for sample optimization or screen a compound library for discovering novel ligands to bind to certain targets.

For protein structure determination, unlabeled protein could be used first by collecting simple 1D 1H NMR spectra to assess the spectral quality for suitability of NMR-based structural determination. If needed, the protein sample could be optimized by conducting simple buffer screening. Then, 15N-labeled sample is prepared, and 15N/1H HSQC spectra are collected for the samples at different solution conditions for further tuning the NMR spectral quality. If the sample is suitable for structural determination, then 15N,13C-labeled protein is prepared and a suite of backbone, side-chain, and NOESY experiments are collected for backbone, side-chain, and NOE assignments. Finally, solution structure could be calculated from NMR-derived distance and angular restraints. Depending on protein size and spectral complexity, different isotope-labeling schemes are often used for spectral simplification and sensitivity enhancement and for aiding in NMR resonance assignments.

Currently, we are working on structural determination of proteins and carbohydrate receptors involved in (1) muscular dystrophy, (2) bacterial quorum sensing, (3) microbial cell division, replication and infection, (4) Ca+2 signaling, (5) immunity receptor activation by endotoxin, (6) ubiquitin recognition by ubiquitin-binding proteins, and (7) drug characterization and development. These research projects are collaborated mainly with the faculty in the Carver College of Medicine. Many of these research targets are involved in protein-ligand interactions which are fundamentally important in cellular functions. Therefore, the research is emphasized on the understanding structurally how these proteins recognize their binding partners that could be peptide, drug, carbohydrate, or another protein, and how they perform the biological functions. We are also interested in protein modeling and intermolecular docking, e.g. by HADDOCK in order to build 3D models based on NMR and other experimental data. The Carver College of Medicine NMR Core Facility can provide the following services:

  • Consultation on NMR sample preparation
  • Assistance with experimental design
  • Assistance with NMR data collection, processing, and analyses
  • Support / assistance on molecular structural modeling and calculations
  • Providing user training / education
  • Assistance with targets that are related to drug discovery programs
  • Support for research grants and patents
  • Complete research project support (either internal or external)

Selected Publications

Liping Yu, Brian D. Fink, Ritu Som, Adam J. Rauckhorst, Eric B. Taylor, and William I. Sivitz. (2023) Metabolic clearance of oxaloacetate and mitochondrial complex II respiration: divergent control in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue.  BBA Bioenergetics, 1864, 148930.

Liping Yu, Duane D. Hall, Weiyang Zhao, and Long-Sheng Song. (2022) NMR resonance assignments of the DNA binding domain of mouse Junctophilin-2.  Biomol. NMR Assign., 16, 273-279.

Brian D. Fink, Adam J. Rauckhorst, Eric B. Taylor, Liping Yu, and William I. Sivitz. (2022) Membrane potential-dependent regulation of mitochondrial complex II by oxaloacetate in interscapular brown adipose tissue. FASEB BioAdvances, 4, 197-210.

Natalya Pashkova, Lokesh Gakhar, Liping Yu, Nicholas J. Schnicker, Annabel Y. Minard, Stanley Winistorfer, Ivan E. Johnson, Robert C. Piper. (2021) ANTH domains within CALM, HIP1R, and Sla2 recognize ubiquitin internalization signals.  eLife, 10, e72583. DOI:

Natalya Pashkova, Liping Yu, Nicholas J. Schnicker, Chun-Che Tseng, Lokesh Gakhar, David J. Katzmann, Robert C. Piper. (2021) Interactions of ubiquitin and CHMP5 with the V domain of HD-PTP reveals role for regulation of Vps4 ATPase.  Molecular Biology of the Cell.  PMID: 34586919.

Liping Yu, Brian D. Fink, William I. Sivitz. (2021) Simultaneous quantification of mitochondrial ATP and ROS production using ATP energy clamp methodology.  Methods Mol. Biol., 2276, 271-283.  PMID: 34060049.

Michael P. Hayes, Joseph B. O’Brien, Rachel A. Crawford, C. Andrew Fowler, Liping Yu, Jonathan A. Doorn, David L. Roman. (2021) Fragment-based nuclear magnetic resonance screen against a Regulator of G Protein Signaling identifies a binding “hot spot”.  ChemBioChem, 22, 1609-1620.

Brian D. Fink, Liping Yu, Lawrence Coppey, Alexander Obrosov, Hanna Shevalye, Robert J. Kerns, Mark A. Yorek, William I. Sivitz. (2021) Effect of mitoquinone on liver metabolism and steatosis in obese and diabetic rats.  Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 9:e00701.

Ameya S. Walimbe, Hidehiko Okuma, Soumya Joseph, Tiandi Yang, Takahiro Yonekawa, Jeffrey M. Hord, David Venzke, Mary E. Anderson, Silvia Torelli, Adnan Manzur, Megan Devereaux, Marco Cuellar, Sally Prouty, Saul Ocampo Landa, Liping Yu, Junyu Xiao, Jack E. Dixon, Francesco Muntoni, and Kevin P. Campbell. (2020) POMK regulates dystroglycan function via LARGE-mediated elongation of matriglycan.  eLife, 9, e61388. DOI:

Katie R. Witkin, Nicholas R. Vance, Colleen Caldwell, Quinn Li, Liping Yu, and M. Ashley Spies. (2020) An atomistic understanding of allosteric inhibition of glutamate racemase: a dampening of native activation dynamics. ChemMedChem, 15, 376–384.

Julio C. Sanchez, Liyang Zhang, Stefania Evoli, Nicholas J. Schnicker, Maria Nunez-Hernandez, Liping Yu, Jeff Wereszczynski, Miles A. Pufall, Catherine A. Musselman. (2020) The molecular basis of specific DNA binding by the BRG1 AT-hook and bromodomain.  BBA Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1863 (8), 194566.

Barbora Stefanovie, Sarah R. Hengel, Jarmila Mlcouskova, Jana Prochazkova, Mario Spirek, Fedor Nikulenkov, Daniel Nemecek, Brandon G. Koch, Fletcher E. Bain, Liping Yu, Maria Spies, and Lumir Krejci. (2019) DSS1 interacts with and stimulates RAD52 to promote the repair of DSBs.  Nucleic Acids Research, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkz1052, PMID: 31799622. [Epub ahead of print].

Liping Yu and William I. Sivitz. (2019) Oxaloacetate mediates mitochondrial metabolism and function. Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology, DOI: 10.2174/2213235X07666191008103247. [Epub ahead of print].

Ravi P. Yadav, Kimberly Boyd, Liping Yu, Nikolai O. Artemyev. (2019) Interaction of the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 with the regulatory Pg subunit of phosphodiesterase 6.  J. Biol. Chem. 294(43), 15795-15807.  DOI:10.1074/jbc.RA119.010666.

Brian D. Fink, Liping Yu, and William I. Sivitz. (2019) Modulation of complex II-energized respiration in muscle, heart, and brown adipose mitochondria by oxaloacetate and complex I electron flow.  FASEB J., 33(11), 11696-11705.  doi: 10.1096/fj.201900690R.

Xu Liu, Lisa C. Golden, Josue A. Lopez, Tyson R. Shepherd, Liping Yu, Ernesto J. Fuentes. (2019) Conformational dynamics and cooperativity drive the specificity of a protein-ligand interaction. Biophys. J. 116(12), 2314–2330.

Liping Yu, Ravi P. Yadav, Nikolai O. Artemyev. (2019) NMR resonance assignments of the TPR domain of human aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1).  Biomol. NMR Assign. 13(1), 79-83. DOI: 10.1007/s12104-018-9856-x.  Epub Oct. 19, 2018.

Brian D. Fink, Fan Bai, Liping Yu, Ryan D. Sheldon, Arpit Sharma, Eric B. Taylor, William I. Sivitz (2018) Oxaloacetic acid mediates ADP-dependent inhibition of mitochondrial complex II–driven respiration. J. Biol. Chem. 293 (51), 19932–19941.

C. Andrew Fowler, Maria F. Núñez Hernandez, Susan E. O’Donnell, Liping Yu, Madeline A. Shea. (2017)  Backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of (Ca2+)4–calmodulin bound to beta calcineurin A CaMBD Peptide.  Biomol. NMR Assign., 11, 275-280.  DOI 10.1007/s12104-017-9762-7.

Ravi P. Yadav, Lokesh Gakhar, Liping Yu, and Nikolai O. Artemyev. (2017) Unique structural features of the AIPL1-FKBP-domain that support prenyl lipid binding and underlie protein malfunction in blindness. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114(32), E6536-E6545.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1704782114.

Brian Fink, Fan Bai, Liping Yu, and William Sivitz. (2017) Regulation of ATP production: dependences on calcium concentration and respiratory state. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 313, C146-C153.  DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00086.2017.

Liping Yu, Ravi P. Yadav, and Nikolai O. Artemyev. (2017) NMR resonance assignments of the FKBP domain of human aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) in complex with a farnesyl ligand.  Biomol. NMR Assign., 11, 111-115.  DOI: 10.1007/s12104-017-9730-2.

Liam Hovey, C. Andrew Fowler, Ryan Mahling, Zesen Lin, Mark Stephen Miller, Dagan C. Marx, Jesse B. Yoder, Elaine H. Kim, Kristin M. Tefft, Brett C. Waite, Michael D. Feldkamp, Liping Yu, Madeline A. Shea. (2017) Calcium triggers reversal of calmodulin on nested anti-parallel sites in the IQ motif of the neuronal voltage-dependent sodium channel NaV1.2.  Biophys. Chem., 224, 1-19. DOI:10.1016/j.bpc.2017.02.006.

Xu Liu, David C. Speckhard, Tyson R. Shepherd, Young Joo Sun, Sarah R. Hengel, Liping Yu, C. Andrew Fowler, Lokesh Gakhar, Ernesto J. Fuentes. (2016) Distinct roles for conformational dynamics in protein-ligand interactions.  Structure, 24, 2053-2066. DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2016.08.019.

Brian D. Fink, Fan Bai, Liping Yu, William I. Sivitz. (2016) Impaired utilization of membrane potential by complex II-energized mitochondria of obese, diabetic mice assessed using ADP recycling methodology.  Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol., 311, R756-R763.  DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00232.2016.

Qinyu Zhu, David Venzke, Ameya S. Walimbe, Mary E. Anderson, Qiuyu Fu, Lisa N. Kinch, Wei Wang, Xing Chen, Nick V. Grishin, Niu Huang, Liping Yu, Jack E. Dixon, Kevin P. Campbell, Junyu Xiao. (2016) Structure of protein O-mannose kinase reveals a unique active site architecture.  eLife, 5, e22238.  DOI: 10.7554/eLife.22238.

David C. Briggs, Takako Yoshida-Moriguchi, Tianqing Zheng, David Venzke, Mary Anderson, Andrea Strazzulli, Marco Moracci, Liping Yu, Erhard Hohenester, and Kevin P. Campbell. (2016) Structural basis of laminin binding to the LARGE glycans on dystroglycan. Nat. Chem. Biol., 12(10), 810-814. DOI:10.1038/nchembio.2146.

Sarah R. Hengel, Eva Malacaria, Laura Folly da Silva Constantino, Fletcher E. Bain, Andrea Diaz, Brandon G. Koch, Liping Yu, Meng Wu, Pietro Pichierri, M. Ashley Spies, and Maria Spies (2016) Small-molecule inhibitors identify the RAD52-ssDNA interaction as critical for recovery from replication stress and for survival of BRCA2 deficient cells. eLife, 5, e14740. DOI:10.7554/eLife.14740.

Samuel A. J. Trammell, Liping Yu, Philip Redpath, Marie E. Migaud, and Charles Brenner. (2016) Nicotinamide riboside is a major NAD+ precursor vitamin in bovine milk. Journal of Nutrition,146(5), 957-963. DOI: 10.3945/jn.116.230078.   

 Fan Bai, Brian D. Fink, Liping Yu, and William I. Sivitz. (2016) Voltage-dependent regulation of complex II energized mitochondrial oxygen flux. PLoS One, 11(5):e0154982. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0154982. 

Tatiana V. Mishanina, Liping Yu, Kalani Karunaratne, Dibyendu Mondal, John M. Corcoran, Michael A. Choi, and Amnon Kohen. (2016) An unprecedented mechanism of nucleotide methylation in organisms containing thyX. Science, 351 (6272), 507-510.

Tyler P. Rasmussen, Yuejin Wu, Mei-ling A. Joiner, Olha M. Koval, Nicholas R. Wilson, Elizabeth D. Luczak, Qinchuan Wang, Biyi Chen, Zhan Gao, Zhiyong Zhu, Brett A. Wagner, Jamie Soto, Michael L. McCormick, William Kutschke, Robert M. Weiss, Liping Yu, Ryan L. Boudreau, E. Dale Abel, Fenghuang Zhan, Douglas R. Spitz, Garry R. Buettner, Long-Sheng Song, Leonid V. Zingman, and Mark E. Anderson. (2015) Inhibition of MCU forces extramitochondrial adaptations governing physiological and pathological stress responses in heart. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112(29), 9129-9134.

George Dialynas, Om K. Shrestha, Jessica M. Ponce, Monika Zwerger, Dylan A. Thiemann, Grant H. Young, Steven Moore, Liping Yu, Jan Lammerding, and Lori L. Wallrath. (2015) Myopathic lamin mutations cause reductive stress and activate the Nrf2/Keap-1 pathway. PLoS Genet. 11(5): e1005231. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005231.

Liping Yu , Brian D. Fink , William I. Sivitz. (2015) Simultaneous quantification of mitochondrial ATP and ROS production. Methods Mol. Biol., 1264:149-59. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-2257-4_14.

Brian D. Fink, Judith A. Herlein, Deng Fu Guo, Chaitanya Kulkarni, Benjamin J. Weidemann, Liping Yu, Justin L. Grobe, Kamal Rahmouni, Robert J. Kerns, and William I. Sivitz. (2014) A mitochondrial-targeted coenzyme Q analog prevents weight gain and ameliorates hepatic dysfunction in high fat-fed mice. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 351, 699-708. DOI:10.1124/jpet.114.219329

Tobias Willer, Kei-ichiro Inamori, David Venzke, Corinne Harvey, Greg Morgensen, Yuji Hara, Daniel Beltran Valero de Bernabe, Liping Yu, Kevin M. Wright, Kevin P. Campbell. (2014) The glucuronyltransferase B4GAT1 is required for initiation of LARGE mediated α-dystroglycan functional glycosylation. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.03941.

Theresa L. Gioannini, Athmane Teghanemt, DeSheng Zhang, Gregory Esparza, Liping Yu, and Jerrold Weiss. (2014) Purified monomeric ligand.MD-2 complexes reveal molecular and structural requirements for activation and antagonism of TLR4 by Gram-negative bacterial endotoxins. Immunol. Res., 59, 3-11. DOI:10.1007/s12026-014-8543-y.

Liping Yu, Brian D. Fink, Judith A. Herlein, Christine L. Oltman, Kathryn G. Lamping, and William I. Sivitz. (2014) Dietary fat, fatty acid saturation and mitochondrial bioenergetics. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr., 46, 33-44.

Tabitha A. Peterson, Liping Yu, and Robert C. Piper. (2013) Backbone and side-chain NMR assignments for the C-terminal domain of mammalian Vps28. Biomol. NMR Assign., DOI 10.1007/s12104-013-9537-8.

Takako Yoshida-Moriguchi, Tobias Willer, Mary E. Anderson, David Venzke, Tamieka Whyte, Francesco Muntoni, Hane Lee, Stanley F. Nelson, Liping Yu, and Kevin P. Campbell. (2013) SGK196 is a glycosylation-specific O-mannose kinase required for dystroglycan function. Science, 341, 896-899.

Natasha Pashkova, Lokesh Gakhar, Stanley C. Winistorfer, Anna B. Sunshine, Matthew Rich, Maitreya J. Dunham, Liping Yu, and Robert C. Piper. (2013) The yeast Alix homolog Bro1 functions as a ubiquitin receptor for protein sorting into multivesicular endosomes.  Developmental Cell, 25, 520-533.

Liping Yu, Brian D. Fink, Judith A. Herlein, and William I. Sivitz. (2013) Mitochondrial function in diabetes: Novel methodology and new insight.  Diabetes, 62, 1833-1842.

Liping Yu, Rachel L. Phillips, DeSheng Zhang, Athmane Teghanemt, Jerrold P. Weiss, and Theresa L. Gioannini. (2012) NMR studies of hexaacylated endotoxin bound to wild-type and F126A mutant MD-2 and MD-2/TLR4 ectodomain complexes.  J. Biol. Chem., 287, 16346-16355.

Post, D. M. B.*, Yu, L.*, Krasity, B. C.* (*these authors contributed equally), Choudhury, B., Mandel, M. J., Brennan, C. A., Ruby, E. G., McFall-Ngai, M. J., Gibson, B. W., and Apicella, M. A. (2012) O-antigen and core carbohydrate of Vibrio fischeri lipopolysaccharide: composition and analysis of their role in Euprymna scolopes light organ colonization. J. Biol. Chem.,287, 8515-8530.

Kei-ichiro, I, Yoshida-Moriguchi, T., Hara Y., Anderson, M. E., Yu, L., Campbell K. P. (2012) Dystroglycan function requires xylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase activities of LARGE. Science, 335, 93-96.

Qiu, Jiang; Yu, Liping; and Kirsch, Lee E. (2011) Estimated pKa values for specific amino acid residues in daptomycin.  J. Pharm. Sci., 100, 4225-4233.

Feldkamp, Michael D.; Yu, Liping; and Shea, Madeline A. (2011) Structural and energetic determinants of apo calmodulin binding to the IQ-motif of the NaV1.2 voltage-dependent sodium channel. Structure, 19, 733-747.

O'Donnell, S. E., Yu, L., Fowler, C. A., & Shea, M. A. (2011) Recognition of beta-calcineurin by the domains of calmodulin: thermodynamic and structural evidence for distinct roles. Proteins, 79, 765-786.

Pashkova, N., Gakhar, L., Winistorfer, S. C., Yu, L., Ramaswamy, S., & Piper, R. C. (2010) WD40 repeat propellers define a ubiquitin binding domain that regulates turnover of F-box proteins. Mol. Cell, 40, 433-443.

Feldkamp, M. D., O’Donnell, S. E., Yu, L., & Shea, M. A. (2010) Allosteric effects of the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine on the energetics of calcium binding by calmodulin. Proteins, 78, 2265-2282.

Barghorn, Stefan; Hillen, Heinz; Edalji, Rohinton; Barrett, Leo; Richardson, Paul; Yu, Liping; Olejniczak, Edward; Harlan, John; Holzman, Thomas. (2010) Amyloid-beta peptide analogs: oligomerization, stability, and immunogenicity. PCT Int. Appl., 233pp. WO 2010011947 A2.

Yoshida-Moriguchi, T., Yu, L., Stalnaker, S. H., Davis, S., Kunz, S., Madson, M., Oldstone, M. B. A., Schachter, H., Wells, L., & Campbell, K. P. (2010) O-mannosyl phosphorylation of alpha-dystroglycan is required for laminin binding. Science, 327, 88-92.

Piazza, M., Yu, L., Teghanemt, A., Gioannini, T., Weiss, J., & Peri, F. (2009) Evidence of a specific interaction between new synthetic antisepsis agents and CD14. Biochemistry, 48, 12337-12344.

Yu, L., Edalji, R., Harlan, J. E., Holzman, T. F., Pereda-Lopez, A., Labkovsky, B., Hillen, H., Barghorn, S., Ebert, U., Richardson, P., Miesbauer, L., Solomon, L., Bartley, D., Walter, K., Johnson, R. W., Hajduk, P. J., & Olejniczak, E. T. (2009) Structural characterization of a soluble amyloid beta-peptide oligomer. Biochemistry, 48, 1870-1877.

Holzman, Thomas F.; Harlan, John E.; Edalji, Rohinton P.; Olejniczak, Edward T.; Perada-Lopez, Ana; Labkvosky, Boris; Yu, Liping. (2007) Preparation of recombinant forms of human beta-amyloid protein for diagnosis and therapy. PCT Int. Appl. 176pp. WO 2007064917.

Yu, L., Sun, C., Mendoza, R., Wang, J., Matayoshi, E. D., Hebert, E., Pereda-Lopez, A., Hajduk, P. J., & Olejniczak, E. T. (2007) Solution structure and calcium-binding properties of EF-hands 3 and 4 of calsenilin. Protein Sci., 16, 2502-2509.

Wendt, M. D., Sun, C., Kunzer, A., Sauer, D., Sarris, K., Hoff, E., Yu, L., Nettesheim, D. G., Chen, J., Jin, S., Comess, K. M., Fan, Y., Anderson, S. N., Isaac, B., Olejniczak E. T., Hajduk, P. J., Rosenberg, S. H., & Elmore, S. W. (2007) Discovery of a novel small molecule binding site of human survivin. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 17(11), 3122-3129.

Lerner, C. G., Hajduk, P. J., Wagner, R., Wagenaar, F. L., Woodall, C., Gu, Y. G., Searle, X. B., Florjancic, A. S., Zhang, T., Clark, R. F., Cooper, C. S., Mack, J. C., Yu, L., Cai, M., Betz, S. F., Chovan, L. E., McCall, J. O., Black-Schaefer, C. L., Kakavas, S. J., Schurdak, M. E., Comess, K, M., Walter, K. A., Edalji, R., Dorvin, S. A., Smith, R. A., Hebert, E. J., Harlan, J. E., Metzger, R. E., Merta, P. J., Baranowski, J. L., Coen, M. L., Thornewell, S. J., Shivakumar, A. G., Saiki, A. Y., Soni, N., Bui, M., Balli, D. J., Sanders, W. J., Nilius, A. M., Holzman, T. F., Fesik, S. W., & Beutel, B. A. (2007) From bacterial genomes to novel antibacterial agents: discovery, characterization, and antibacterial activity of compounds that bind to HI0065 (YjeE) from Haemophilus influenzae. Chem. Biol. Drug Des., 69(6), 395-404.

Yu, L., Hajduk, P. J., Mack, J., & Olejniczak E. T. (2006) Structural studies of Bcl-xL / ligand complexes using 19F NMR. J. Biomol. NMR, 34, 221-227.

Holzman, Thomas F.; Harlan, John E.; Edalji, Rohinton P.; Yu, Liping; Olejniczak, Edward T.; Pereda-Lopez, Ana; Labkvosky, Boris. (2006) Methods of preparation of recombinant forms of human beta-amyloid protein and uses of these proteins. PCT Int. US2006046043.

Yu, L., Sun, C., Song, D., Shen, J., Xu, N., Gunasekera, A., Hajduk, P. J., & Olejniczak, E. T. (2005) Nuclear magnetic resonance structural studies of a potassium channel / charybdotoxin complex. Biochemistry, 44, 15834-15841.

Huth, J. R., Yu, L., Collins, I., Mack, J., Mendoza, R., Isaac, B., Braddock, D. T., Muchmore, S. W., Comess, K. M., Fesik, S. W., Clore, G. M., Levens, D., & Hajduk, P. J. (2004) NMR-driven discovery of benzoylanthranilic acid inhibitors of far upstream element binding protein binding to the human oncogene c-myc promoter. J. Med. Chem. 47, 4851-4857.

Huang, Q., Yu, L., Petros, P. M., Gunasekera, A., Liu, Z., Xu, N., Hajduk, P., Mack, J., Fesik, S. W., & Olejniczak, E. T. (2004) Structure of the N-terminal RNA-binding domain of the SARS CoV nucleocapsid protein. Biochemistry, 43, 6059-6063.

Yu, L., Mack, J., Hajduk, P. J., Kakavas, S. J., Saiki, A. Y. C., Lerner, C. G., & Olejniczak, E. T. (2003) Solution structure and function of an essential CMP kinase of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Protein Science, 12, 2613-2621.

Yu, L., Oost, T. K., Schkeryantz, J. M., Yang, J., Janowick, D., & Fesik, S. W. (2003) Discovery of aminoglycoside mimetics by NMR-based screening of Escherichia coli A-site RNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 4444-4450.

Yu, L., Gunasekera, A. H., Mack, J., Olejniczak, E. T., Chovan, L. E., Ruan, X., Towne, D. L., Lerner, C. G., & Fesik, S. W. (2001) Solution structure and function of a conserved protein SP14.3 encoded by an essential Streptococcus pneumoniae gene. J. Mol. Biol. 311, 593-604.

Yu, L., Mack, J., Hajduk, P., & Fesik, S. W. (2001) Structure of the N-terminal region of Haemophilus influenzae HI0017: implication for function. J. Biomol. NMR, 20, 105-110.

Yu, L., Petros, A. M., Schnuchel, A., Zhong, P., Severin, J, M., Walter, K., Holzman, T. F., & Fesik, S. W. (1997) Solution structure of an rRNA methyltransferase (ErmAM) that confers macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin antibiotic resistance. Nature Struct. Biol. 4, 483-489.

Yu, L., Zhu, C.-X., Tse-Dinh, Y.-C., & Fesik, S. W. (1996) Backbone dynamics of the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli topoisomerase I in the absence and presence of single-stranded DNA. Biochemistry, 35, 9661-9666.

Yu, L., Zhu, C.-X., Tse-Dinh, Y.-C., & Fesik, S. W. (1995) Solution structure of the C-terminal single-stranded DNA-binding domain of Escherichia coli topoisomerase I. Biochemistry, 34, 7622-7628.

Liang, H., Mao, X., Olejniczak, E. T., Nettesheim, D. G., Yu, L., Meadows, R. P., Thompson, C. B., & Fesik, S. W. (1994) Solution structure of the ets domain of Fli-1 when bound to DNA. Nature Struct. Biol. 1, 871-876.

Liang, H., Olejniczak, E. T., Mao, X., Nettesheim, D. G., Yu, L., Thompson, C. B., & Fesik, S. W. (1994) The secondary structure of the ets domain of human Fli-1 resembles that of the helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif of the Escherichia coli catabolite gene activator protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 11655-11659.

Yu, L., & Fesik, S. W. (1994) pH titration of the histidine residues of cyclophilin and FK506 binding protein in the absence and presence of immunosuppressant ligands. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1209, 24-32.

Yu, L., Meadows, R. P., Wagner, R., & Fesik, S. W. (1994) NMR studies of the FK506 binding protein bound to a spin-labeled ascomycin analog. J. Magn. Reson. Series B, 104, 77-80.

Vyas, K., Rajarathnam, K., Yu, L. P., Emerson, S. D., La Mar, G. N., Krishnamoorthi, R., & Mizukami, H. (1993) 1H NMR investigation of the heme cavity of elephant (E7 Gln) met-cyano-myoglobin. Evidence for an alpha-helix phenylalanine interaction with bound ligand. J. Biol. Chem. 268, 14826-14835.

Yu, L., Goldman, R., Sullivan, P., Walker, G. F., & Fesik, S. W. (1993) Heteronuclear NMR studies of 13C-labeled cell wall beta-glucan oligosaccharides. J. Biomol. NMR, 3, 429-441.

Yu, L., Olejniczak, E. T., & Fesik, S. W. (1993) Effects of 17O-labeled water on the backbone amide 1H relaxation rates of the [U-15N]FKBP/ascomycin complex. J. Magn. Reson. Series B, 102, 218-221.

Theriault, Y., Logan, T. M., Meadows, R., Yu, L., Olejniczak, E. T., Holzman, T. F., Simmer, R. L., & Fesik, S. W. (1993) Solution structure of the cyclosporin A /cyclophilin complex by NMR. Nature, 361, 88-91.

Busse, S. C., La Mar, G. N., Yu, L. P., Howard, J. B., Smith, E. T., Zhou, Z. H., & Adams, M. W. W. (1992) Proton NMR investigation of the oxidized three-iron clusters in the ferrodoxins from the hyperthermophilic archae Pyrococcus furiosus and Thermococcus litoralis. Biochemistry, 31, 11952-11962.

de Ropp, J. S., Yu, L. P., & La Mar, G. N. (1991) 2D NMR of paramagnetic metalloenzymes: Cyanide-inhibited horseradish peroxidase. J. Biomol. NMR, 1, 175-190.

Smith, G. M., & Yu, L. P. (1991) High-resolution 1H and 15N-NMR studies of Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1058, 75-78.

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