The 2024 Lata Undergraduate Honors Symposium took place on Tuesday, April 30th in 1117 MERF. Five presentations were given by undergraduate majors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The event concluded with an awards ceremony and reception.
Brenna Powers, Wallrath laboratory, "Identifying Candidate Drugs to Treat Rare Types of Muscular Dystrophy"
Jack E. B. Miller, Geyer laboratory, "The Role of the Centrosome in Loss of Germline Stem Cell Homeostasis in the Emerin Mutant Drosophila Ovary"
Josiah Power, Nuxoll laboratory, "Thermal Susceptibility of Single-Species and Polymicrobial Biofilms of Staphyococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa"
Rivers Maw, Baker laboratory, "Methodological Analysis of AHA Incorporation into Retinal Protein"
Hasya Joshi, Song laboratory, "Nuclear Translocation of Junctophilin-1"

Montgomery Scholar’s Prize
Jack E. B. Miller (Geyer laboratory) received the 2024 Montgomery Biochemistry Scholar’s Prize. Jack was recognized for his outstanding research accomplishments and excellent presentations at the Lata Symposium.
This prize is awarded to a meritorious graduating senior in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The award is based on the student's research accomplishments and academic performance.
Rex Montgomery Biochemistry Scholarships
Adam Benmoussa (M. Spies laboratory), Rhett Ellerbroek (DeMali laboratory), and Mostafa Telfah received 2024 Rex Montgomery Biochemistry Scholarships.
Rex Montgomery Scholarships recognize one or more deserving undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Professor H.G. Wittmann & Professor H.G. Khorana Scholar Awards
Josiah Power (Nuxoll laboratory) received the 2024 Professor H.G. Wittmann Scholar Award. After graduation, Josiah will be attending The Johns Hopkins University to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Hasya Joshi (Song laboratory) received the 2024 Professor H.G. Khorana Scholar Award. After graduation, Hasya will continue his education and apply to medical schools.
The Wittmann and Khorana Scholar awards are given to graduating Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors who have the highest achievement in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courses and who have demonstrated the highest understanding of biochemistry and molecular biology and its value to society.
Reiko T. and Yuan C. Lee Award for International Students
Aditi Parab (Song laboratory) and Corentin Charles (DeMali laboratory) received 2024 Reiko T. and Yuan C. Lee Awards for International Students.